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Accepting Applications for the 24-25 School Year

A Montessori School for Children Age 2 to Grade 3

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Learning Through the Senses

How can any one paint who cannot grade colors? How can any one write poetry who has not learnt to hear and see?

These questions, posed by Maria Montessori in 1920, remind us that it’s the information that we take in through our senses that becomes the knowledge and skills that expand our minds. All learning is rooted in sensorial experience.

For all our children, it is essential that we provide experiences that awaken and refine their senses so they can grow as readers and writers, mathematicians and artists, scientists and more.  It’s why at Evergreen we believe that hand-on, tactile, kinesthetic, music and language-rich classrooms stimulate the most learning and growth.

From counting bead chains and skip counting to building words and sentences with the movable alphabet, every day is filled with opportunities to actively learn by doing.

learning through the senses