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A Montessori School for Children Age 2 to Grade 3

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Celebrating Peace and Dr. King

Evergreen welcomed MJ and Jerry Park from Little Friends for Peace today.  The Parks led an energetic assembly to celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King and his work promoting peace.

During the assemblies, children sang about conflict resolution, rode a Peace Train and learned how peace starts inside us all.  Mrs. Park even brought the “gift of peace”  and children saw their own reflection inside the gift.

According tot he Little Friends for Peace website, the organization was “named for the disarming nature of peacemaking and the little part we can all play in spreading peace, LFFP was founded in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1981 by MJ and Jerry Park. A teacher and social worker/nurse (respectively) by profession and together parents of six, this dynamic duo decided to teach peace skills part-time to live out their personal convictions. In 1988 they relocated to Mount Rainier, MD, continuing LFFP’s operation in the DC metro area while maintaining national programmatic partnerships with organizations based in Minnesota and El Salvador as well as several other national networks.”