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A Montessori School for Children Age 2 to Grade 3

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Remote Learning Plan, April 27

Click here for the Evergreen Remote Learning Plan 

Dear Evergreen Community,

One of the most important lessons I've learned during the last six weeks is that Social Distancing does not mean Emotional Distancing. In fact, the more time I spend physically away from students, families and colleagues, the deeper my well of empathy for each other's troubles and anxieties. I have never felt such gratitude for the health care workers in our parent body than I do now. Our hearts are opened.

I am so grateful that so many in our community are reaching out to one another to lend support at this time. What started as occasional check-in calls has turned into weekly or even daily rituals for many of us.  I encourage everyone to make use of all these opportunities to lend support to one another.  

There are still many uncertainties before us-- including how soon we can go back and how school may be different when we return. Like schools everywhere, we are starting to contemplate various timelines and contingencies so that we can get back to Evergreen-as-usual as safely-- and as soon-- as possible.  I am grateful for everyone patience as we wait for guidance from State leaders. For now, we continue to hope for each other's health and wellness as we wait for details on our return.

ESPA Events and 2020-2021 Planning
Keep an eye out from an email from Melody Goodman and ESPA regarding an upcoming event and ESPA recruitment for next school year.

Virtual Admission Event
Evergreen is hosting our second virtual Open House at 10:30 am on Wednesday May 6.  Please spread the word if you know of any families interested in enrolling in the upcoming school year.  Please let Kara know ([email protected])

All the best,

P.S., We have updated our remote learning plan to align with the Maryland State Department of Education's expectation that elementary students spend 11 or more hours per week engaging in learning activities.  Please let your child's teacher know if you are not meeting the 11-hour goal in an average week. Click here for the Evergreen Remote Learning Plan