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Teacher Spotlight: Kimberly Sandridge, Primary Lead Teacher, Director of Early Childhood Education

Teacher Spotlight

Kimberly Sandridge, Primary Lead Teacher, Director of Early Childhood Education

Where are you from and where did you grow up?

I'm originally from Durham, NC, where I attended a Montessori school and lived there until I went to college. I have also lived in Wellesley, MA, New York, NY, and Chapel Hill, NC. I have lived in Silver Spring since 2005.

How long have you been a teacher? How long have you been at Evergreen?

This is my fourth year at Evergreen. I previously taught at another Montessori school and before that worked with K-12 and college students at the North Carolina Museum of Art and the Ackland Art Museum to discover how art can be a tool for understanding many subjects. In my previous career, I worked with lawyers and expert witnesses to develop visual presentations to educate judges and juries on topics ranging from patents to contracts to criminal trials.

What are some of the most rewarding parts about teaching?

I love how the Montessori classroom allows young children to make mature observations about the world. Especially in today’s world, it’s encouraging to step back and observe the work the children are doing, listen to their conversations, and notice how they inspire and help each other. It's always a magical moment when children realize they are reading!

What is your favorite thing about Evergreen?

Our students and families! Part of the joy of working with young children is working with the whole family. I love how the Montessori mixed-age class allows me to be a part of each family's journey for three years (and beyond).

What are your hobbies?

I enjoy cycling, rowing (indoors), and gardening.

What book are you currently reading?

I'm currently reading The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White.